"Aquarium Kit ][" contains 63 new enhancements to that great After Darkª module, Fish! It's a colorful assortment of new fish and other aquatic critters, including plants, rocks, and even new bubbles. Many of the fish and turtles swim not just horizontally but also diagonally up and down. Some appear only at the top, bottom, or middle of your screen. Some fish are large, some small. You choose which you want. Or install them all. And if you feel whimsical, check out the janitor fish or the mini-sub towing a sign panel! Some people take their aquaria very seriously; others don't. There is something here for everybody!
"Aquarium Kit ][" represents many, many days and nights of work and is not free. However, the software is very reasonably priced at only $6.95. Please take the time to pay. And please remember that shareware is not a gift. It is a method of marketing software that is totally dependent on the integrity of the consumer. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support!
To date, approximately 7,500 people have downloaded the original "Aquarium Kit" from America Online alone. In addition, "Aquarium Kit" has appeared on countless CD-ROMs, BBSs, disk collections and commercial services. And I have received many, many requests to create a sequel. Well, here it is! All new work is completely original and far superior to the original "Aquarium Kit."
Your shareware fee is your license to legally use Aquarium Kit ][ on your computer. Please send your SHAREWARE fee of $6.95 to:
Robert Frye
8933 Hope Hill Lane
Apex, NC 27502
No forms to fill out--just pop a check in an envelope--I'll know what it is for! Please include your return address on your envelope if it is not printed on your check. You'll receive your registration certification by mail (or e-mail if you prefer and if you include your e-mail address).
So how do you get these pretty Pisces into the After Darkª Fish! module? Well, it will take a couple of minutes but it is very easy.
1. From your Control Panels, choose After Darkª.
2. In the After Dark module's window, choose Fish!
3. And in the Fish! window, click on "Options...".
4. Next, click on "Import...". Then navigate to the file, "Aquarium Kit ][" and open it.
5. In the next window that opens, you'll see a couple of pictures of some of the ever-so-lovely contents of "Aquarium Kit ][". Now you can click on any picture you like, then click "Import", and then click "OK" when you are taken back to the Fish! module. That's it. You now have a new addition in your fish tank!
To import more than one fish at a time, just click on the first picture, then hold down your shift key and click on each succeeding fish, scrolling as you go, until you've selected all of the finny delights from "Aquarium Kit ][". Then click "Import". (The After Darkª Fish! module doesn't provide a "Select All" button. I guess they thought no one would ever be making a large number of new fish; and if you ever try it you'll understand why they thought that--there is no easy way to make professional quality fish.)
1. You can delete any item from your Fish! module by clicking on "Options...", clicking on the picture of the object, and then clicking "Delete". You can see that that everything has its own descriptive name, e.g., BerberHoriz, BerberDiagDn, BerberDiagUp, even if the pictures look alike in After Dark's small preview window. The names will help you to know what you want to delete.
3. You can make any seafloor object or animated critter inactive (not appearing on your screen when After Darkª is running) without having to delete it. From the Fish! module, click on "Options..." and in the next window, click on the picture of whatever you want to change, then uncheck (click on) the "Active" box.
Although you have the choice, you may not want everything in Aquarium Kit ][ to be active at the same time. For example, you may not want every fish that's capable of it swimming horizontally and diagonally at the same time.
4. If there is a fish, plant, or rock that you especially like, you can import it more than once to increase the probability that it will be on your screen at any given time.
5. As a bonus, two items from the original Aquarium Kit are also included in "Aquarium Kit ][". The large rocks are unchanged, so you won't need to import them again, if you already have them. The tiny sharks have been refurbished, so delete your old ones and import the new. (By the way, the tiny sharks are the only aquarium objects that I did not originate: they first came from a public domain collection of fish.)
6. Remember, you can control the speed and number of fish on your screen by using the controls in the Fish! module window.
7. If you like variety, try making a copy of your Fish! module, deleting everything in it, then importing all your new "Aquarium Kit ][" objects into your now empty module. Then use Randomizer to switch between your old and new aquaria.
8. And one last thing: "Aquarium Kit ][" requires a screen displaying 256 or more colors. You will see nothing on a black and white screen. Some items look almost OK in 16 colors, but most don't.
¥Aquarium Kit ][ is available only for Macintosh computers. (Your non-Mac friends and colleagues will just have to drool!)
¥I am not associated with Berkeley Systems, the makers of After Darkª, in any way. Nor they with me. If you experience any problems with Aquarium Kit ][ (but I can't imagine why you would), don't blame Berkeley Systems or call them for help. They are not responsible. However, I would like to personally thank Berkeley Systems for creating the best ever, user-modifiable screensavers!
¥Although there is no reason why Aquarium Kit ][ should cause any problem for any user, nevertheless, I am not responsible for any damage that might occur to any software or hardware as a result of using Aquarium Kit ][. I am also not responsible for the hours of productivity that might be lost while you are staring at your beautiful new aquarium!
¥Your comments, suggestions, requests, or questions are always welcome. Contact me on AOL (RobertF188), Internet (robertf188@aol.com), or at the address above.
Please don't forget to pay your shareware fee? $6.95. It's affordable, it's worth it, it's fair, and it's important. Thanks.